The charity-project

Works of money-art in favor of the
Homeless-Program of St. Catherine's Church

Also the charity-project has money as its topic: printed real 5-euro notes as unique artworks by the unique number of the banknotes. The artworks will be sold from 17th to 31st of July for 50 Euros at St. Catherine's Church weekdays from 2:00 p.m. sto 7:00 p.m. The entire revenue of the project will help the Homeless-Programm of St. Catherine's Church.


That is how you can support the homeless and order an artwork:

1. Order one (or several) artworks by mail to Pastor Werner Schneider-Quindeau
    Don't forget to send your postal address!

2. He will send the banknote-number and the account-number to you

3. Transfer 50,- Euros with the banknote-number in the subject of transfer to the specified account

4. After receipt of the money the artwork including certificate will be send to you by post


Money-artworks in favor of the Homeless-Program of St. Catherine's Church The Artwork "50 € will help to feed the poor": Print on real 5-Euro-Banknote.